Browning BT-100
Click for More InformationParts listed here are specific to Browning BT-100 single shot 12 gauge shotguns unless otherwise noted. MGW offers many replacement barrels, stocks, forearms, recoil pads, sights, choke tubes, trigger components, springs and other items for this model. Click the link above to learn how to identify and date your BT-100 via its serial number. These factory original and aftermarket BT-100 parts will ensure that your shotgun will function flawlessly with every break of the action.
The schematic may not represent all the parts available - please scroll down for a complete list of items offered for this model.
Click on any part number highlighted in RED to view specific details or to purchase online.
It is recommended that all parts be fit by a qualified gunsmith.

Browning BT-99 Max / BT-100 Ejector Hammer
Sold Out

Browning BT-99 Max / BT-100 Ejector Hammer Spring
In Stock

Browning BT-99 Max / BT-100 Ejector Sear
In Stock