Thompson / Center Brass Adjustable Powder Measure, Blackpowder 50-120 grains
Code: 31007040
Product Description
Description: Thompson / Center Brass Adjustable Powder Measure, Blackpowder 50-120 grains. This compact solid brass tool quickly measures the required charge for your muzzleloading rifle or pistol. Accurate and simple to operate, the positive snap ring "clicks off" each increment of 10 grains and holds the cavity at the desired volume. This tool measures from 50 grains to 120 grains of powder.
- Accurate and Simple to Operate
- Measures to Quickly Adjust the Required Charge for Muzzleloaders
- Measures 50-120 grains in 10 grain Increments
Manufacturer: Thompson / Center
- Brand: Thompson / Center
- Finish / Color: Brass
- Firearm Type: Rifle-Muzzleloader,Pistol-Muzzleloader
- Material: Brass
- Tool Type: Powder Measure
- Brand: Thompson / Center
- Finish / Color: Brass
- Firearm Type: Rifle-Muzzleloader,Pistol-Muzzleloader
- Material: Brass
- Tool Type: Powder Measure