Pachmayr Signature Grips, With Back Straps
Product Description
Description: Pachmayr Signature Grips, With Back Straps. Pachmayr's Signature Grips feature our patented full wrap-around design and are made from rubber specially formulated for use on semi-automatic pistols. This rubber compound gives them a feel that is unmistakably Pachmayr. Built-in steel inserts ensure they maintain their shape. Available in the widest variety of models for most of the popular semi-automatic pistols. Each is designed for a specific pistol and its anticipated use.
Manufacturer: Pachmayr
02485 | B84 | Beretta 84, .380 | $43.50 |
02497 | B92SB/F | Beretta B92SB & B92F | $43.50 |
02500 | B92FS-G | Beretta B92FS & 96 Combat w/Finger Grooves | $43.50 |
02437 | BDA-380 | Browning BDA .380 | $43.50 |
03952 | B-HPCG | Browning HP 9mm & 40 S&W Gripper | $43.50 |
02420 | B-HP | Browning HP 9mm & 40 S&W Match Style | $43.50 |
03482 | MKIII | Ruger Mark III & Mark II | $43.50 |
03306 | SW-39 | S & W, 39, 439 , Etc. 1st & 2nd Generation | $43.50 |
03309 | SW-59 | S & W, 59, 459, Etc. 1st & 2nd Generation | $43.50 |
05043 | PT-99D/G | Taurus P99 Decocker With Finger Grooves | $43.50 |
03086 | PPK/S | Walther PP & PPK/S Only | $43.50 |
03478 | PPK/SW | Walther PPK/S (New Generation S&W) | $43.50 |
- Brand: Pachmayr
- Caliber: .22 LR,.380 Auto,9mm,.40 S&W
- Finish / Color: Black
- Firearm Type: Pistol
- Material: Rubber
- Models Fit: Beretta 84 Cheetah,Beretta 92,Beretta 96,Browning BDA,Browning Hi-Power,Beretta M9A1,Ruger Mark II,Ruger Mark III,Smith & Wesson 439,Smith & Wesson 459,Smith & Wesson Model 39,Smith & Wesson Model 59,Taurus PT-99,Walther PP,Walther PPK/S
Know Your Gun
Browning Hi-Power History
The 9mm Hi-Power pistol was introduced to the U.S. market in 1954. Serial numbers from 1954 through 1957 are estimates only. From 1958 on, better records were kept and the serial numbers are more accurate. The 40 S&W caliber was introduced in 1994This pistol is still in production today.
To find your serial number, you will need to refer to your owner's manual.
Date | Historic Information | Serial Number Info |
1954-57 | The Hi-Power 9mm pistol was introduced in 1954. | 70000-80,000 Accurate production figures are unavailable. |
1958 | In 1958 Browning kept better records of the Hi-Power pistol, so the serial number ranges are more accurate | 80001-85276 |
1959 | 85268-89687 | |
1960 | 89688-93027 | |
1961 | 93028-109145 | |
1962 | 109146-113548 | |
1963 | 113549-115822 | |
1964 | In 1964 the product code for the Hi-Power was the letter "T" | 115823-T136-568 |
1965 | T136569-T146372 | |
1966 | T146373-T173285 | |
1967 | T173286-T213999 | |
1968 | T214000-T258000 | |
1969-75 | In 1969 Browning started using two digits for the date of manufacture which was followed by a four digit code that identified the type of Hi-Power: This was then followed by the serial number beginning with 1000. Example: 69C1000 = A 1969 Hi-Power pistol with a serial number of 1000. |
T258001-261000 C=Hi-Power |
1976-1997 | In 1975 Browning standardized its serial number identification which it followed until 1998.
Serial Number Example:
245RT01001 This would be a 9mm Hi-Power pistol, manufactured in 1976 with the serial number 01001. |
1998 | In 1998 Browning redid the standardization of its serial number identifications to work with its new data base program, Oracle.
Serial Number Example:
510NN01001 This would be a 9mm Hi-Power pistol, manufactured in 1999 with the serial number 01001. |
Know Your Beretta 92
The production of the Beretta 92 pistol began in 1975. It has gone through many changes over the years and is currently still in production in several different configurations.
The information below is critical must have knowledge necessary for ordering parts, grips, and accessories for your Beretta 92.
"Key Configuration Types" of the Model 92
- Model 92 ---Manufactured 1975 through 1976
- Model 92S ---Manufactured 1977 through 1979
- Model 92SB ---Manufactured 1980 through 1985
- Model 92F ---Manufactured 1985 through present
What "Configuration Type", is your Beretta 92?
Model 92
The First Generation. Approximately 5,000 of these were made. Frame mounted safety and bottom mounted magazine release (See Figure 1).
Figure 1
Model 92S
Second Generation Model 92. Same as the Model 92 with several key modifications most important of which was the new Slide mounted safety and decocking lever. Also features a bottom mounted magazine release (See Figure 2).
Figure 2
Model 92SB
The Third Generation of the Model 92 also referred to as the 92SB-1. Two grip options offered - The 92SB-P which had plastic grips and the 92SB-W which featured wood grips. Includes the same features as the 92S but Beretta once again made some important modifications. They added a firing pin block and moved the magazine release from the lower grip to just below the trigger guard. Beretta also added a disassembly key and the ambidextrous safety lever (See Figure 3).
Figure 3
Model 92F
First referred to as the 92SB-F, the "F" designating U.S. Government Federal testing, this model was identical to the 92SB with some very specific combat modifications including the squared off trigger guard to improve two handed shooting, reconfigured frame in front of the grip to aid in aiming, extended magazine base, chromed the barrel bore and put a new finish on the slide called Bruniton to provide better corrosion protection than the standard blue (See Figure 4). Also referred to as the 92FS the 92F-P (Plastic Grip), and the 92F-W (Wood Grips).
Figure 4
Variations of the Beretta 92
- Model 92 ---9mm Parabellum
- Model 96 ---.40 S & W
- Model 98 ---9 X 21mm IMI
- Model 98F ---.30 Luger
Modes of Operation
- "F" ---Standard
- "G" ---No Safety
- "D" ---Double Action no Safety
The Beretta 92 is available in over 50 different configurations but we have tried to include all of the major variations in this information.
Thank you very much for taking the time to review the above information. If you are in need of more assistance or you have found the above information a useful shopping tool please contact us at [email protected]